Who was at BangOn! last night?

I went to their Halloween (Warehouse of Horrors) and NYE (Time and Space) events this year. Both lived up to a general tagline I would give BangOn events... when it's good, it's great! But when they fuck something up, it's shitty. I guess that's just what you get when you're going to a warehouse rave though.

Halloween was really good but we were stuck outside in cold drizzle for over an hour waiting to get in, because they burst a pipe as they were setting up for the event and had to fix everything first. Other than that, awesome event... the staff was quick and professional, bars were easy to access, coat check fluid and quick, music was on point, etc. The cuddle puddle was a literal puddle though, thanks to the pipe issues... ugh.


NYE was excellent in every way except for the massive clusterfuck of the coat check. It took half an hour to check our coats (around 12:15), and 2 hours to try to get them back (4:30-6:30, thankfully my friends stood in line for us while my SO and I kept dancing). After 15 minutes of fruitless searching, the clerk finally just let my friends into the back area to find our coats themselves, and what they found was complete pandemonium. It was obvious that there was zero organization system as they were checking the coats - the pink and purple tags were all mixed up, as were the numbers - so I can't see how they expected to be able to actually get the coats back to the owners at the end of the night. They fed us some bullshit line about "some high guy ran into the back and knocked them all over", but it was clear that they had never been organized to begin with since every rack of coats (multiple rooms on multiple floors) was out of order. Eventually at 6:30 after scouring the entire area we just had to leave. My friend went back the next day and found hers and two of our other friend's coats, but mine never turned up.

On a positive note, every other aspect of the event kicked ass and we all had a blast. I was candyflipping along with a friend, my SO was on acid, and the rest of our friends were rolling. For the state of mind we were in, the event could not have been better, and each of us gravitated to different areas based on what seemed to "fit" best with our individual experiences. The visuals, projections, art, music acts, light shows, etc - all phenomenal (especially the infinity mirror art exhibit thing... holy shit that tripped me out). My SO ended up spending most of the night in the side stage rooms because the vibes in there were a lot trippier and more intimate, until around 5am when the front half of the room we were in basically turned into a pansexual orgy of petting, making out, and some nudity. Point is, they did a great job creating an environment that provides something for every state of mind, and has enough variation that you won't get bored.

What I love most about BangOn events is the crowd: mostly a bit older, with a lot of folks that have raved through the candy days and are looking for a more mature environment. There's also a lot of psychedelic use rather than just MDMA and they tailor the vibe of the events to better fit that, which ends up attracting a healthy volume of the burning-man crowd rather than just ravers. Tons of great costumes too.

/r/avesNYC Thread