Who cares?

IQ is highly (r=.4 to .8) heritable and clever people have less children, so political concerns are getting vulgarized. Learn about the anti-Flynn Effect and the Woodley Effect -- IQ may be in decline.

Lifespan and opportunity are worthy goals; I think if you're high-minded, you'll learn to see through the others. Literacy is a solved problem except in very low IQ countries. Most people are too stupid for it to be worth the time and pain to teach them things they won't use and that will make them arrogant (e.g. high school History and academic babysitting subjects giving them political opinions); the girls esp. clever ones should learn to cook, paint and frollick in the meadows, then be married off to high IQ men -- anything else reduces genoptypal IQ. Dysgenics is cumulative; culture can only allow the genotype to reach its potential.

Political violence results from instability i.e. democracy. Increase authority and you get peace, prosperity and justice. Oh, and fighting malaria makes sickle cells obsolete, improving selection for IQ.

/r/EffectiveAltruism Thread