To whoever needs to hear this.

Thank you. I spent 4 years trying to be everything she needed, losing myself in the process, over and over. And it was never enough, I could never do enough. And I couldn't tell her it was hurting me, or it started a fight, and I walked away feeling like the most selfish asshole of all time, convincing myself I needed to do more, be more. And in the end she left me when I was at my lowest. And I was only at my lowest because I'd spent so long trying to figure out how to save a relationship with a girl who wouldn't help me save it herself. When I needed her support, she left. And now, 5 months later, I'm still mostly a wreck. I'm still sad every day. I'm trying to get better, trying to do the things that make me happy, but I'm still having such a hard time. But this helped. It's helped every time I read it. So thank you.

/r/ToxicRelationships Thread