The president elect has opened a website and is taking suggestions from the public. Mr Trump campaigned on reducing job killing regulations, it may be beneficial to write in about the FDA and the regulations they are putting on our stores and product's.

I suggested that journalism become a certifiable profession similar to a doctor or engineer. That way not just anyone with a computer can call themselves a journalist. There would be a college-level program that teaches fact checking, ethics etc. That way there is a base knowledge and expectation for journalistic integrity. It would also provide some recourse for people who fall victim to their sensationalization, distortion of facts, or outright falsification of information. Because they all have a standardized education and their is that expectation of integrity, victims could take legal action against individuals or publications for deviating from the now-standardized expectations. A journalist that is repeatedly found guilty of these things would lose their certification the same way a doctor would for repeated malpractice suits or any other unethical behavior. This would not be State-run media but rather provide a punitive incentive for media establishments to put their people in check and get back to reporting ACTUAL facts/news rather than slander and gossip.

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