Women of Kuwait, would you marry a man below your social status?

I agree with much of what you said and I understand your perspective. But I'd like to add that not all upper class families use social status as a criterion for marriage. Many of my female relatives from upper class families married men from regular average middle class families. Their father had no problem with that. It was a typical arranged marriage situation in the early-to-mid 1990s. Their father provided land and villas for them. They all have successful happy marriages with no issues.

Upper class families that use social status as a criterion for marriage are mostly on the stingy side. At the end of the day, every girl wants to get married and have babies. It's an innate biological need. I don't think that any girl from an upper class family is going to remain عانس just because rich dudes aren't proposing. We all mostly rely on the arranged marriage system. If the right guy comes along, no girl is going to reject him just because his family isn't wealthy.

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