Here are all of the instances where /u/M1CR0_11 has used the phrase never :|

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When you thought my MG clan post wasn't a joke lmao

Wow, I sure hope the mods remove this. After all their claims of being fair, allowing something like this to stay up would completely hypocritical. If this were about "Sun Knights", I'm willing to bet it would already be gone, and the comments talking about "hating MG" would all be part of a "mob mentality". 99% of the "rules to being in MG" posted here have never been mentioned by MasterOv, the founder of the clan. As such, claiming that these are requirements for joining without consulting MasterOV, who is undeniably the sole authority on this subject, is being dishonest. For the first example, let us turn to the 7th line entitled "Warning", where the OP states that only "noobs are allowed". The dictionary definition of noob is "a person who is inexperienced in a particular sphere or activity, especially computing or the use of the Internet"; however, according to MasterOv's channel, he has been playing consistently since May 12th, 2016, which means that he has had over 3 months of experience in diepio, more than most people on this subreddit. If only noobs were allowed, then how would MasterOv himself be allowed in the clan? Furthermore, I have seen posts of this nature 1000 times more innocuous removed by the moderators, who cite rule 5 even when it isn't applicable. This post, which also directly insults an individual (get that, an individual and not just a clan) is allowed to remain, while posts that merely (and politely) criticize the moderators' clans are removed instantly. Hopefully you will consider these facts and subsequently reconsider your statement. There is a fine line between "hating" and "joking", one that I believe the OP has certainly crossed. --Also, please note while I do not find the content of this post particularly objectionable, it is no less objectionable than that of other posts that have been removed by the moderators, and therefore should be removed as well, in the interest of fairness. The main goal of the points above was to outline this in detail.--"--- (/u/M1CR0_11)|

You have obviously never used a gunner trapper before then. Its bullets dodge around other bullets. Try it with max penetration, then come back and tell me that it's weak."--- (/u/M1CR0_11)|

No no with a booster on max speed and max reload that's a very risky thing to do, as it is easy for it to dodge your drones. Following any fast tank far away from you is never a good idea."--- (/u/M1CR0_11)|

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