Wtf is my issue?

I think it comes down to how much you really care for each other. RJ is not rational by any means, it highlights all your anxieties and insecurities, and can make a good thing toxic if you allow it but you can overcome it if you don’t give in to the negative thoughts etc. easier said than done, I know!

I went through something similar, it hurt for a while but in the end I really cared for my partner so was able to work through it. You can’t feed it, try to let the thoughts and mental images pass over you. The more you fixate the worse it’ll be. Don’t go snooping either, that’s never good. It gets easier. Sometimes you have good days and sometimes you have bad days. If it is too much for you then look for books, podcasts etc on coping with it or if possible maybe seek therapy.

I wish you all the best.

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