At what point do they stop being shorts?

imagining it, like, really going for it, and honestly can't find this feeling you're feeling.

like, I can't think of a scenario where I'd be uncomfortable with this, at most it'd be marginal embarassment which would come from the picture, not from its location on the internet or that people are masturbating to it. Like, say there was a forum or subreddit for masturbating to flabby bellies or bums or something, someone takes an unflattering picture of me and posts it there for people to masturbate to. Oh no! This affects me in... zero ways? The only way that could even potentially have an impact on my life is if somehow, one of my friends happened to be a part of that subreddit or forum, and just happened to click on that particular post, and just happened to be like "hey everyone look at this picture i found of ziazan on this website where people upload pictures of unaware people so we can masturbate to them", I would honestly just be like "..k?" and then move on. might even laugh, might be slightly embarassed but still laughing, and motivated to sort myself out, might bring up how they managed to find this and mock them for it. might accuse them of taking the picture. all just for laughs in the end. tl;dr don't see why it should bother.

You know your facebook photos? If you're attractive in any way, people masturbate to those too. If you're attractive in any way, there are multiple people that will masturbate to the mere thought of you. We can't stop them.

I feel as though I consent to the possibility every time I leave my room.

The thing: if it's taking a sly picture, vs being a blatant stalker fuck with a camera. following someone around and making them uncomfortable directly invading their personal space, that's fucking creepy. following someone around with a camera, that's fucking creepy. quietly and slyly taking a picture of an amazing ass as it passes, yeah it's kinda weird, I wouldn't do it personally, I'd just look at it. It's like going to a concert and holding your ipad up the whole time. But eh, people are strange, we can't escape that, and I don't see a reason to be bothered by fairly ordinary looking pictures where someone's saying you look sexy.


/r/pics Thread Link -