You're directing a film based on the weirdest dream you've ever had. What is the film about?

Tiger Shark People The pentagon genetically engineered a new class of warrior. Part tiger part shark part human. Think of a mix between Thundercats and Street Sharks. I worked with these TSPs as a human overseer to make sure they follow orders. We carried out dangerous missions for the government. The missions that were too dangerous for the Navy SEALs. We were stationed in a secret underground base to keep them away from the public eye. One day, me and one of the leaders of the TSPs, lets name him Fred, returned to the base from a small mission only to find the placed ransacked and most of the TSPs dead. One was still barely alive. Fred and I approach him and ask what the hell happened? "Ninjas" he says "they came in and started killing us all. I think..." "You think what!?" Fred says "...I think... I think they are still here" THWACK A ninja star hits him right between the eyes. We turn around and see three ninjas coming at us. Since we are men of action (in my dream of course) we charge them. A fight ensues. We leave one alive. Fred starts asking who sent them. The ninja tells him to go fuck himself. Fred starts asking "aggressively". The ninja tells him but I could hear what he said. "This is big." Fred says "We need to go. There's going to be more of these bastards" As if right on cue, the second we start leaving more ninjas show up. We try to fight them off but they start coming in waves. "There's too many! We need to run" I said "Right," said Fred (heh) " I know a way out, follow me" We start running and they start following. As we're running we are ducking ninja stars and I yell out to Fred "WHERE THE HELL ARE WE GOING?!" "JUST FOLLOW ME!" He yells back. We make a right turn and there's an underground passageway. He hands me scuba gear and says hold on to my fin. We dive into the water and we lose the ninjas. After swimming for what feels like a half hour we finally make it onto land. "We're here" Fred says. I look up and see a street sign that reads 'Pennsylvania Ave'. Now I know why we are here and I know who sent the ninjas. THE ORDER CAME FROM THE WHITE HOUSE!!

And then I woke up.

/r/AskReddit Thread