Xbox/ PST/ looking for comp-like players for ranked push to Diamond

25M, only been playing for a few seasons but solo’q to Plat 1-2 consistently and this split I’m Gold III. I don’t have the best stats yet but I’m at a 1.0 kd. I’m definitely humble and I’m just trying to learn to get better asap. I vod review my gameplay and watch back pro level play to improve. I’m good at this game but I’m not like crazy good yet. Haven’t hit a 3 or 4k but I can hit 1500-2k games even in Gold this split. I’m very competitive but I keep it toxic free. I just have fun playing the game and I wanna improve and see how far I can go. I never blame teammates and just focus on what I could’ve done better. I’m down to get some games in! Discord is @Linkxiety#5313 or just Linkxiety on Apex and Steam.

/r/ApexLFG Thread