Yep we have a wrestler here

My simplification is this BJJ is an advanced martial art that’s been developed over centuries

BJJ is literally just Judo

The Gracie family managed to make a profit out of Judo

There’s a reason why Judo is very cheap because it’s a non-profit martial art

While BJJ gyms are expensive as fuck because it’s all about profit

Basically, the Gracie family are marketing geniuses that emphasized more of the ground work in Judo and disregarding the throws of Judo. It’s a fact that Judo throws are really rough on the body while the groundwork doesn’t strain the body as much

They marketed “their” martial art in 1993 in the first UFC. Judo on the other hand, has existed since 1882

If it weren’t for Judo, BJJ wouldn’t exist

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