450 words Can someone fill me in on wtf "neoreactionaries" are all about? 278 words A hidden premise of ancap most of us don't want: reduce absentee ownership 590 words Do you support piracy? If so, why? 410 words Beware Summary Statistics (crime and IQ aren't that related). The neoreax crowd is going to have a big fat collective heart attack... if they manage to understand even a bit of statistics. Heh. Watch for downvotes! 366 words Guys, Bernie got us, it's all over.. 304 words Guys, Bernie got us, it's all over.. 1,034 words Guys, Bernie got us, it's all over.. 643 words Isn't the Ancap argument against the "if you don't like it, you can leave" argument also validating the left-anarchist notion that capitalism is a coercive hierarchy? 280 words Ancap obsession with consistency? 1,065 words "Anarcho Liberalism" would probably be a more accurate name for the movement. True or False? 1,433 words On Libertarian Anti-Paternalism 454 words Porn and video game addiction are leading to 'masculinity crisis', says Stanford prison experiment psychologist 320 words Libertarianism Is Not 'No Gun In The Room' -- It's also not the political philosophy of not-imposing-your-will-on-others or not-violently-enforcing-your-preferences-on-others 307 words Not sure if this is lazy student or a brilliant student. Either way this is what the public school are shoving down their throats these days. 476 words Subreddit Discussion Traits 492 words What happened in Baltimore is quite literally the "broken window fallacy" happening right before our eyes. 575 words Challenging Capitalist Property Acquisition 384 words Sally Kohn’s Claim that Force is No Longer Force- “Hey, Christian Business Owners: The Government Isn’t ‘Forcing’ You To Do Anything.” 636 words Most anarchists of other flavors believe that capitalism and anarchism are fundamentally contradictory. Why do you disagree (or agree?)(Looking for intellectual discourse, not antagonism or conflict) 508 words Most anarchists of other flavors believe that capitalism and anarchism are fundamentally contradictory. Why do you disagree (or agree?)(Looking for intellectual discourse, not antagonism or conflict)