What happened in Baltimore is quite literally the "broken window fallacy" happening right before our eyes.

I have a black friend that makes $80k/yr (more than I make). He has no college degree. Married and has a child. His entire family are crack heads. They roll around every once in awhile to ask for a clean jar of piss so they can pass parole/probation urinalysis. He did not have a good upbringing. It comes down to intelligence. He just woke up someday and said "I'm better than this. I can do something with my life." Socialists want to force egalitarianism in a world that just plain isn't equal. We are not equal, we may be born equal, but as we grow, the differences become apparent. I would recon that 85% of the world's population are just high-functioning retards. If you travel outside of the US, you will see a whole 'nother world of inequality. Highly stratified societies, even in strict authoritarian and socialistic governments, it does not work. You cannot help those people. They exist on the level of animals. They do not think about existence, they don't think about tomorrow. They live day to day like an animal and that's all they know. It is up to each individual to make something of themselves. You can't blame society or your background. The individual is responsible for their own self. My ex-gf's father is a civil engineer. He comes from a family of moochy peasants from the Philippines. They are seriously trash. He woke up one day and did something with his life. I have friends from Central and South America, they come from shit, have terrible families, yet they took it upon themselves to achieve greatness.

I don't want the government stealing my money just to give it to a bunch of retards. That may sound cruel, but it's my money and I earned it. I work my ass off anywhere from 40-140 hours a week. I am not some genius, I flunked out of college, but everything I have, I earned myself. I started on the dirt bottom working with ex-cons, ex-gang members, lunatics, renegades, thugs, as well as others from all walks of life. I used to be "liberal," but now I see, you only get what you give. If I want to help somebody, I'll help them myself. I am not rich, but I did not come from a dirt poor family either. My father worked his ass off to give me a good life. I know most people do not have what I have, but the truth is LIFE IS NOT FAIR. If you have an advantage you better exploit it and get what you can get. If you don't get yours, somebody else is gonna get it. Life is a competition. And all the people at the top know that they better be on their game because there's a thousand others waiting right below you for you to fuck up so they can take what you have. It's the god-awful truth.

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