1,153 words Low GPA and PhD Applications: How to address a shameful transcript? Is having gone to Community College a negative factor for admissions? 111 words If you could ask researchers around the world about the need for Open Access, what would you ask? 169 words Do 'golden boys/girls' really exist? What sets them apart? 198 words Professor giving completely wrong factual information to students 177 words #metoo unsure of how to handle a situation with an past advisor 125 words Would a professor want to be alerted to students obtaining old exams? 143 words What must a PhD student accomplish to be competitive? 116 words How to challenge a professors decision on an assignment? 161 words Found out partner in project did something wrong, what should I do? 161 words Douchebag academic 254 words New on the TT and I need advice 167 words Mathematics research as an undergraduate 208 words Thesis examiner got it wrong (in one place) 164 words Negotiating a TT offer at a public state university 150 words People who got a regular job after completing/quitting graduate school, do you miss it? 375 words Interested in the effects of technology on society/humanity. Is pursuing a PhD a worthwhile next step? 113 words Publishing papers on Google Scholar 606 words History PhD questions 163 words A new hire is making me extremely uncomfortable. What should I do? 280 words Genuinely love doing research, but I don't really like the culture and the people in my field. Is it time to do something else?