192 words There’s Been a Spike in People Dying at Home in Several Cities. That Suggests Coronavirus Deaths Are Higher Than Reported. 126 words Tinder in Wuhan - it's now free to talk to people in Wuhan. Feel free to ask them what's it's really like. 146 words Florida surgeon general says keep social distancing until there’s a vaccine — in a year 156 words Elderly people above and the age of 65 are forced into their homes, in Serbia, and are only allowed to leave one fixed day per week from 4AM-7AM under "police protection", for grocery shopping [English Subtitles] 156 words Daily Discussion Post - April 12 | Questions, images, videos, comments, unconfirmed reports, theories, suggestions 109 words Study: Nearly a third of Americans believe a conspiracy theory about the origins of the coronavirus 101 words Sounds like a scam, but maybe someone got more info: "Plant ‘remedy’ for virus to be tested: Madagascar" 127 words Coronavirus: Boris Johnson 'owes his life to NHS staff' 129 words Experts say there cannot be a reopening of the U.S. economy without mass testing 167 words Coronavirus found in air samples up to 13 feet from patients 184 words Charlotte woman hadn’t left her house in 3 weeks but tested positive for COVID-19. Merely Touched package delivered by someone who also tested positive. 129 words South Korea: 70% of coronavirus patients fully recovered 100 words BREAKTHROUGH - Coronavirus is a Phlebitis and not a pneumonia Dr. Sandro Giannini 187 words Coronavirus: 31% of U.S. renters didn't pay rent by April 5 - New York Daily News 135 words COVID-19: Scientists find promising first step in antiviral treatment 231 words REI CEO and Board giving up pay, furloughing most retail staff. 222 words New Zealand reports 29 new coronavirus cases, 1239 cases total 121 words CDC considers relaxing coronavirus guidelines, letting some Americans return to work 968 words NYC Is Taking Hundreds of Body Bags Out of Houses—and Soon They Will Be Counted 150 words Out of 2000 ICU patients in France, 83% are overweight.