363 words Schools row: Warning that it is ‘impossible to sustain social distancing amongst children 224 words The US records over 28,000 cases in 1 day, the most since the beginning of May as all 50 states reopen 134 words States accused of manipulating COVID-19 statistics to make situation look better 282 words A person who was Covid-19 positive attended an Orthodox church service and exposed 180 people, officials say 128 words Daily Discussion Post - May 18 | Questions, images, videos, comments, unconfirmed reports, theories, suggestions 172 words Almost 90,000 dead and no hint of national mourning. Are these deaths not ‘ours’? 130 words 'Us Vs. Them' In A Pandemic: Researchers Warn Divisions Could Get Dangerous 115 words Gov. Abbott: Over 700 COVID-19 cases confirmed in one day in Amarillo 170 words Traditional indigenous beliefs are a powerful tool for understanding the pandemic 125 words Sweden had the highest daily death toll in the world per capita 109 words Austria Has 90% Drop in Coronavirus Cases After Requiring People to Wear Face Masks 217 words Coronavirus treatment: Hit hard and early to help the most people 317 words Naples, Florida to close beaches “until further notice” after re-opening earlier this week due to large crowds refusing to follow CDC’s social distancing/safety guidelines. 141 words States moving forward with reopening are seeing increases in new coronavirus cases 208 words 4,000,000 COVID cases World-Wide, 11 days after reaching 3 Millions. Covid Cases grew from 1M to 2M in 12 days, and from 2M to 3M in 13 days. 168 words If 80% of Americans Wore Masks, COVID-19 Infections Would Plummet, New Study Says 149 words Gun-waving SUV driver crashes parade celebrating nurses 294 words Overwhelming majority of Americans more concerned about coronavirus spreading further than economic damage, poll shows 311 words Why Scientists Think The Novel Coronavirus Developed Naturally — Not In A Chinese Lab 226 words Anti-vaccine movement could impact the effectiveness of a COVID-19 vaccine