544 words The problem with voting against gay marriage because the Bible tells us it's a sin - and why religion shouldn't guide our laws. 631 words If a corrupted version of the bible spread, could those who dedicated their lives to its teachings be blamed for their misdeeds and might they actually go to hell because of it? 346 words Why would I get my morals from a god who commanded homosexuals to be put to death, regardless of whether we should follow those commandments? 513 words Christians, what do you *personally* believe should be done with people caught in homosexual acts? 1,106 words How can you prove the existence of the holy spirit? 401 words How can you prove the existence of the holy spirit? 423 words Why did Yahweh send a flood to purify the earth instead of Jesus? 376 words Why did Yahweh send a flood to purify the earth instead of Jesus? 421 words Ethics questions 448 words The Bible explicitly states an unborn child's life is worth less than an adult's. So why are some Christians so vehemently "pro-life"? 454 words Jesus says, WHOEVER. Doesn't that mean everyone... or at the very least, the believers? 490 words Jesus says, WHOEVER. Doesn't that mean everyone... or at the very least, the believers? 613 words Can one find faith in Christianity without external persuasion from parents/mentors? 351 words Did Jesus exist before he was born on Earth? 504 words I do not see any basis for the Christian claim that God has stilled his wrath against them when Christians are victims of God's wrath just as much as non-Christians are victims of God's wrath. 324 words Can one find faith in Christianity without external persuasion from parents/mentors? 455 words Theists: Is the existence of viruses and parasites a demonstration that god cannot be all loving. 372 words Ethics questions 317 words Christians: What is destructive about committed, loving, same-sex relationships? 459 words Im questioning my religous stance, can some one help sway me?