If a corrupted version of the bible spread, could those who dedicated their lives to its teachings be blamed for their misdeeds and might they actually go to hell because of it?

Forgotten by whom? Not by God...

The beginning of your answer is in your question. The "real Bible", God's original Word is out there. Surrounded by fake, charlatans, cons and trickster versions of it self.

So how do you descern the real-deal-Bible from the fake, the one that Paul and the rest of the Apostles would recognise as being God's Truth, the one spoken, preached and lived by themselves and Jesus Christ?

You don't.

As you have said, with so many corrupted "new versions" in existence and many more in the pipeline how can you know which is which, how can anyone? it's impossible, right?

Yes it is... for man. But not for God. Here's how He says you are to do it...

In the same way that when you want to know that a valuable painting is real by taking it to an art expert so you can take the Bible you are holding to an expert to ascertain it's realness or not...

I know of such an expert, so do you. This expert will not only tell you if your Bible is a fake, He'll even point you in the direction you have to go if you really desire to find, read and live by the Truth of the original (Matthew 7:7) you only have to ask...

How do you find this expert? Go to your knees, open your mouth and begin your prayer with "Father", that is His name because that is what Jesus calls Him...

Will he answer you? Yes, if you really desire to know His Truth, He'll answer immediately, in dream or vision or even out of the mouth of a donkey if it suits Him...

It's that or you can stick with whatever version of the Bible you are holding and take pot-luck.

By the way don't be deceived into thinking that all these corrupted versions of scripture are utterly profound in their effects and lead millions into hell against their will, that if only they'd known the Truth, the real Truth, their hellish outcomes would have been so different...

Here's the truth which you yourself know perfectly well...

Many are happy to be misled. They go along with the deception because it suits them to do so, they like their fake version of God's Truth because it allows them to do and indulge in many things which they know perfectly well would be forbidden if they lived fully in the original Truth as taught by Jesus Christ.

While living this lie they can also at the very same time claim to be legitimate believers to family, friends and onlookers...

How do we know this?

Because while men will deny God all day long they really have to work very hard at it. They have to work hard at it because God's truth is written on their hearts, He put it there Himself:

Hebrews 8:10

"For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put My laws in their mind and write them on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people".

The above is why many supposed believers and even unbelievers have to work at their unbelief every hour of every day, for to deny God is to deny their own hearts, hearts that clamour for the Truth, God's Truth not man's.

So to save on all that hard work of denial, they compromise with their denial and feed it fake truth instead...

That's fine, they have their free will and choice that God gave to each of us, so they are well within thier right's to do so until that is, the day comes when they have to stand before God and explain themselves ... oops!

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