How can you prove the existence of the holy spirit?

I guess I'm stuck then. When we get down to it, the reasons for my belief relies on trust in people who lived a long time ago, things that can be dismissed as coincidence and physical manifestation of emotion, and wanting to believe.

Why trust those people? Why not believe coincidence as an actual possibility? How can you determine physical manifestation of emotion, and what methodology do you use to declare yourself accurate in detecting such things? As far as wanting to believe, now we come to the ever present (and I'm sure by now irritating) why? Why do you want to believe these things?

I feel that there is genuine good and evil in the universe.

Genuine good and evil is not exclusive to your religion. It's not present in all religions, but it present in several very large and popular ones that aren't yours and also were not influenced by yours. So this is not a valid reason to exclude other paths, since this factor is not unique to your path.

Christianity is, in my opinion, the "best (in terms of goodness) explanation for our state and position. I can't come up with a better (read: "feel good") explanation apart from "God created humanity and loved us so much that he died for us."

That's just the thing though. IN YOUR OPINION. Truth is not now, nor will it ever be relative to your opinion.

Also, what makes you so confident that your opinion is so much more valid than everyone else's?

can't come up with a better (read: "feel good") explanation apart from "God created humanity and loved us so much that he died for us."

So because you can't come up with one, that makes it valid?

I have to say the supreme arrogance that you have is fascinating.

All truth and reality are entirely dependent on your opinions and feelings. I'm curious where this special superpower came from.

Because this is the highest "good" explanation I can think of, I am inclined to hold it as true.

Yes, reality is entirely limited to what you can think of.

. A "good" God would create a situation which would be the best we can imagine and he- and our relationship with him- would be the highest level our thoughts could achieve.

Which makes it even more odd that he didn't do that.

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