133 words Stuck, need help, a teammate, something like that. 254 words How to be calm in stressful situations? 334 words Previous chronic procrastinator’s 178 words I'm a 30 year old male. Lots of people say I have a lot going for me. I have more than most people my age. Yet, I am very unhappy. 556 words I am unhappy with my life 413 words I feel like such a huge loser. I want to change but I don't know where to start. 452 words I've always been bad at meeting people and socializing, so I asked a friend for some advice. It was really helpful and I'd like to share in case it can help someone. Text in comments. 323 words a great sickness 312 words How has your life changed in the past year? Do you feel like you are better off than before? What goals are you setting for the new year? What do you need to improve on? 257 words If you had a lot of free time: what would you do? 328 words How do I change my mindset and stop being jealous? 191 words I beat up my girlfriend.. 196 words 28 years old. I lost my job, I have literally zero friends, never had a girlfriend, I have zero social life, I sit on the computer all day every day. I don't know how I can continue like this. 189 words What is the proper reaction when someone points out a character flaw of yours seemingly out of nowhere? 203 words [SERIOUS] People who have gone through incredibly financial hardships, how did you handle your day to day and avoid being a Debbie downer, without being disingenuous. 281 words I want to find a serious relationship, a girlfriend or a best friend. But I don't even have anyone to join me for coffee between classes.. 425 words The problem with self improvement. 744 words See you later, old friend. 348 words Everything feels dull. How to be better and see beauty in the world? 1,301 words Something inside me is blocking me from achieving my potential. How can I figure out what it is?