316 words You need to journal, Its non negotiable 165 words I made a lot of stupid decisions recently with men and I don't know if it was my fault or not (TW: sexual content) 166 words How do you exercise when you hate exercise? 562 words How to wisely deal with the fact that I am nobody's best friend? 160 words Maybe it's good I was banned? 222 words Was I even getting better at all if all it took for my downfall was a single game? 142 words [April] Goal Discussion Thread. 151 words Just realised im a narcissist, can i save myself? 236 words I am scared of rejection. How can I move past this? 165 words Starting from nothing in my 30s - Turning around my Failure To Launch 150 words How can I let myself rest and play video games/watch Netflix/etc? 131 words Want to boost confidence by going to the gym however I’m intimidated to actually go. 452 words I went from no HS diploma, job, or car to working as a financial analyst for an aerospace company. I decided to be better, here is my story. 158 words Finally getting therapy to stop blaming myself for my ex's death 201 words I can't believe how seriously I've been taking myself/life this whole time 177 words Anyone here gone fruitarian or raw food? 267 words I feel like the only thing I lack of to be the best version of myself, is to lose a lot of weight. The problem is, I am way too lazy and always tired to do so. Any ways you guys have to keep yourself and me motivated? 237 words Yesterday I panicked, this is how I plan to grow stronger 192 words 8 Warning Signs Of Low Self Esteem 175 words love addiction, the chakras, getting better