194 words A Boy and His Dog (1975) 126 words Daddy is inching towards peak C O P E as he realizes that he will never get his thousand-mile-long penis compensator. It's absolutely over for wallcells 125 words Can non mods and casual drama users bitch and moan about shit here? 294 words In an all around tasty thread, SRDines upvote an actual femcel rant about all men being rapists and perverts, thus creating prime drama material 286 words You’ve Heard of Gaslighting, Now Get Ready for Cloutlighting 240 words R/Drama is Outlaw Country 206 words /r/pics facebookposter hits the front page and gets cucked by mods for a change. Drama also extends into the subreddits where his terrible content got crossposted. 135 words Politician changes his gender from man to woman so that he won't be attacked for it when speaking on abortion. Wikipedia rages that suddenly pronouns don't count anymore. 328 words Persephone here: Exposing the dark side of AMWF couples that r/hapas and Tenda Spencer never want you to see. 145 words Woman on 2x claims that men are only worried about getting laughed at by women and women are always worried about getting raped and killed by men. Proceeds to get chorus of cheers and upvoted to r/all. 138 words Chapotraphouse REEEEEEEs after being asked how exactly they're gonna convince people to participate in the glorious socialist revolution. 138 words test backlink from /r/Drama 258 words Why White Supremacists Are Chugging Milk (and Why Geneticists Are Alarmed) by the New York Times 136 words You fucking globecucks have been fooled by NASA (taken from /r/notaglobe) 117 words TFW virgin centrist 153 words mayo girl killed by an illegal, /r/MDE degenerates can't decide if they should feel good or bad about since she was a lib but also potential carrier of pure mayo genes 112 words Does this count as showing my bussy? [NSFW] 195 words Dummy thinks girls pee from the baby tube, copypastas are birfed 221 words Qultist doubts Q and gets called out by other qultists. Turns out he's even crazier than the average qultist 151 words The mayos over at Reddit’s Minstrel Show have stopped referring to gussy as “bitches” and started their Ferengi impressions. Other mayos are upset about this.