126 words Drama GOLDMINE: Tranny goes to bathroom at shitty DC Cuban club owned by Catholics. Asked to show ID. Tranny calls police. DC Mayor gets involved. TERFs point out that "Charlotte" was "Charles" four years ago and was a known "male feminist" who abused real women. Twitter explodes. 128 words Women Owe Almost $400 Billion More in Student Debt Than Men. You Can Blame That on the Patriarchy. 304 words Reddit's "part-watchdog" sub is now advocating for unironic Incel Final Solution. 193 words Kotaku publishes article calling out the wannabe fighting game community for smelling like poo; mexican guy (who smells) answers 510 words Guy complains about his black neighbour making lots of noise, the neighbour responds with a screeching tirade about how he is a succesfull black man and is not going to allow the white man to tell him what to do. Also uses lots of hashtags. 1,525 words wtf is going on with Reddit right now? 1,525 words wtf is going on with Reddit right now? 118 words Trans woman believes she may belong in community of eugenicists 283 words WPD mod eats pizza or cries about not being able to whack it to corpses much longer. Not sure. Either way, prepare for a ton of salt. 294 words Pornhub says no 142 words In which a MAGApede totally owns r/news with their own jealousyof Daddy. 130 words Live at the_doofus. Watch human centipedes come to grips with the fact that Daddy might fuck with their right to ursine arms 124 words Looks like there's more James Franco news for us to look forward to. :) 155 words For every upvote I will tattoo the word Mayocide on my belly 1,310 words Reddit REEEEEacts 493 words In what may be one of the most pathetic threads ever to grace /b/ (yes really), a depressed virgin NEET reveals that he sent 65k to a titty streamer who he thought was his gf, streamer proceeds to spend it on doggie outfits and her bf while taunting and degrading OP, and OP doxxes himself in proof. 123 words /r/subredditdrama turns into /r/menlibs when the subject of cuckoldry comes up 135 words Wannabe Aryan gets cyberbullied by a 16-year-old ISLAMIC TERRORIST on twitter, but Enlightened Western Civilization ultimately triumphs as patriots jump into action to call her a whore, advocate for genocide, and misspell "ideology" 165 words Extremely cringey shut-in /u/Sharknado_1 writes actual incel fanfiction. I shit you not. It's incel fanfiction. 201 words Fox Sports will no longer pay attention to attention seeking NFL players. Penalty flags fly in r/news.