Daddy is inching towards peak C O P E as he realizes that he will never get his thousand-mile-long penis compensator. It's absolutely over for wallcells

This is peak cope by the left, not Trump.

You were never going to get a giant 30 foot high concrete wall, and no one ever wanted that because:

A: it's retarded

B: It'd be an eyesore

C: It's impractical

Trump is a businessman, this is like the first thing anybody ever does. You ask for the moon and then negotiate down.

Trump wanted a 200 ft concrete wall? No, you can't have it... Alright, how about a steel wall.

The idea that Trump might get liberal approval for any kind of wall is remarkable.

It's "Don't throw me in the brier patch"

"Oh please don't make me only build a steel fence instead of a wall!"

Bottom line is that the mass illegal immigration is over. Sorry.

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