124 words Theoretically, would a Nissan Leaf be the least expensive car for me to own? 145 words Has anyone driven for Uber Eats before? 139 words If you want a cheap, reliable car, and don't need to maintain appearances, you can buy hail damaged cars really cheap. 170 words Can being frugal limit opportunity? 201 words Tips For A Wedding? 164 words What's the best brand of contact lenses for dry eyes? What's a good site that doesn't require a current Rx tied to a brand? 266 words Which credit cards do you use? Focus on cash back or travel points/miles? 132 words I stopped paying a monthly phone bill and save over $600 a year on average 196 words Is Zenni a good choice for glasses? 123 words How to stay frugal in nyc? 519 words Thrifty Thursday - share your hauls, finds, tips and tricks. - March 21 134 words Don't replace your old knives. Even cheaper knives can be brought back to a really great edge using a 10 dollar sharpening stone and 5 minutes of googling how to do it. They work much better than those knife sharpening tools you just run your knife back and forth through. 286 words Soon to be college student in search for right phone plan 145 words Selling our house - by owner? realtor? 298 words Libraries are so vastly underappreciated. 194 words What is the one thing you wish you could tell your younger self when you first moved out? 125 words U.S. hospitals to post online list of medical costs - this will help r/frugal plan for medical expenses 673 words Has anyone influenced a sibling to be frugal? 130 words Mattress for hot sleeper 239 words [Discussion] What is your reasons for being frugal?