387 words What are some "Poor Man's Habits" that are worth adopting? 129 words Anyone else ever get judged for being frugal? 132 words Budget Travel/Non-Rev Life 156 words Cheap Air Filter 176 words I'm about to move out soon, any tips for someone about to be on their own for the first time? 315 words This man has the right idea of frugal. 364 words My toddler spent $100 today, and I found out from an email that looked like Spam. 234 words Why I hate the phrase “can afford something “ 135 words Lyft Says Owning a Second Vehicle is Too Costly and No Longer Necessary; "You know the average American household spends $9,000 per year per vehicle. But most people just think about their $200 car payment." 128 words Should I sell my car to bike to work? 117 words Xmas is a great time to stock up on cologne free samples. 459 words This may be more fitting for the pregnancy group... but I really don’t want to spend lots of $$ on a newborn (they outgrow things after3 months!)Any must have items or frugal tips for newborn arrival? I want to avoid going crazy shopping and some of the “essentials” out there are pretty ridiculous! 198 words Air purifier under 200? 142 words Why Buying Pre-Loved Luxury Diamond Jewellery is an Investment 255 words How to stretch $8 to a week and a half? 236 words Got laid off on Monday. Have $40 for groceries to get me through the month of December. Could use some help! 168 words An Anarchist Is Teaching Patients to Make Their Own Medications 379 words It's€ worse than you thought: Americans are drastically under-saved for retirement 392 words Food storage/gas flushing/oxygen absorbers avoiding possible botulism 194 words God bless hotel breakfasts