202 words Critical Examination and General Discussion of Jordan Peterson: Week of February 15, 2021 256 words Personally I don’t think anyone should be proud of things they didn’t work to achieve, like how much melanin they were born with, or the sexual preference they were born with, but we can all spot hypocrisy when we see it. 127 words **NSFW** I canceled my Disney+ Subscription... 131 words In regards to Jordan Peterson, all the criticisms I read on this sub relate to him being a hypocrite or to having his life be in disarray. But these are not real arguments. I challenge all Jordan Peterson critics to criticize advice he has given without mentioning Jordan Peterson himself. 250 words My reading list so far, any suggestion are welcome. 335 words I'm a stupid old man in my mid 70s. I've completely wasted my life. What should I do now? 235 words The big tech coup so far 201 words Celebrating Elon Musk’s milestone of becoming the Worlds Richest Person. Elon started with living in a small office with one computer. He would work over 80 hours a week. Hard work and dedication. 133 words r/AgainstHateSubreddits shows their love and tolerance once again after banning me for a plea in favor of reasonable consideration. 123 words An interesting debate 105 words I Need Help With My Benzodiazepine Use 188 words "Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient)" 136 words Is the nature of man bent on good or evil? Malevolence is the norm and not the exception? 299 words Peterson on Feminism's God 130 words Another thing JBP has been ahead of the curve on.. 161 words A woman is liking me, but I don't like her phisically. Should I get in a relationship with her? 130 words Transgender and transracial 130 words Nietzsche on 'Social Justice Warriors' over a century ago. 247 words Black Woman Destroys White Privilege Myth 224 words A man’s purpose.