140 words My english teacher banned our class from using Jordan Peterson as a source. 126 words US Gov spend per year is $4.3Trillion currently. So the '1% owning more than..' doesn't factor in the flow of money and taxes. 126 words Genetic trash consumed by self-help. I want to live but life doesn't want me. 238 words The video that stopped Jordan Peterson making sense to me 168 words The exact moment the New Zealand shooter decided to commit a violent attack, per his manifesto 183 words "So many university students are just writing a bunch of bullshit they don’t even believe to get through college and not hurt their job prospects—self-censoring for YEARS not daring to question anything or step out of line" 458 words Very True 120 words Jordan Peterson deactivated his patreon. 132 words What books do you recommend to really understand the cruelty and associated ideologies of the last century? 131 words Dark Souls x JBP lectures 139 words The IQ threshold hypothesis - the idea that, after IQ 120, additional IQ points don't translate into higher achievement - is false. Even among the top 1% (roughly IQ 137+), higher IQ predicts greater achievement. 203 words A few more Wage Gap/Equality of Outcome thoughts... 257 words Dear Lobsters: There Is A Better Way 259 words Is anyone else completely bored with Peterson 138 words Incredible read: Award-winning German reporter for major magazine comes to small town America to write a story. Completely makes everything up. 126 words We’re living in dark times 152 words Why is one a good thing and the other isn't? 130 words Best university programs for average IQ individuals? 266 words Jordan Peterson Is an Anti-White Globalist 134 words "I'm not a CIS woman, I'm a woman. I'm not going to have that BBC claptrap on my show."