Critical Examination and General Discussion of Jordan Peterson: Week of February 15, 2021

No but it will change it. Not on just an economic front but on public perception of wealth and how it is generated.

I'm not against competition in anyway. As mentioned in another comment I'm all for a capitalist system, but with a robust welfare system. Not to only account for our competitive nature but also the other aspects of our humanity like compassion. It is by no means a communist or extremist view.

I come from a country with universal healthcare and welfare and have used both during illness and recovery, no charge, and it has helped me in recovery immensely. I feel a part of society and feel I owe it a lot. It's a patriotism of a different flavour.

I don't think this is at such an extreme as your emotive response of 'robot fuelled' economy. I'm not sure what you envision when you say this. With 4 weeks of paid leave a year and paid sick days etc. the population is not under the thumb, though it is still challenging and competitive, even the worst off, who are working long hours, still seem far better off than the worst of the further right-leaning States system as it stands now.

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