167 words Drinking your own water in a café 149 words Can someone use self defense & reasonable force against the police? 136 words Changing Name - Scotland 484 words Can I sell photos of cakes (yes, cakes) that I took, but which I bought at store? 129 words *Employment Law* Discrimination / bullying in the work place, me with long running severe depression aggravated to 'suicidal ideation' 176 words If my dad provokes a physical fight with me, and I finish it to a point where he may need to go to hospital, could I get in trouble? (14M) 234 words I work in a fast food restaurant. Someone stole my headphones from the changing room (I left them with my jacket by accident. I usually have them in my locker) so it wasn't caught on camera. Managers are semi-useless and basically implied that nothing can be done because it won't be caught on tape. 133 words 17yr not in school due to mental health issues. 134 words I kept my devices hidden during police investigation into CP 148 words Contesting the wording of a will? 200 words Hospital calling the Police 187 words Ex partner making false accusations; children involved 251 words Seeking advice on Massive care bill 247 words How can I get child maintenance from my 'unemployed' ex husband who received profit from letting out his properties? 466 words Old 'friend'/ex colleague owes me money, not sure how and if I can get any of it back. 378 words Need help on how to get rid of aggressive and abusive housemate (landlord can't help) 180 words Trouble paying a fine to Thameslink 601 words What kind of legal action can we expect from a stolen camera, and how could we fight it? 616 words My friend's wife is being threatened with legal action based on abuse, and her employers are trying to deflect the blame onto her 323 words Mother's friend is legal guardian of a young child (2 years old) for almost 2 years now - she has been told the child cannot get a passport because the father is unknown?