Seeking advice on Massive care bill

If she has more than £23,250 she is a self funder and would need to pay her care.

Even if she has less, the council will only pay if they assessed her as requiring it. And likely only if she either has the council arrange it with their preferred providers.

There are direct payments. Where the council agrees that nan needs X amount of care, and pay the money to her to employ someone directly.

There's also a client contribtion. So if your nan has less than the £23,250 but has some savings and a private pension she may pay a persentage of her care. With her paying the rest.

For example. Your nan may have arranged 3 hours car a day with an agency that charges £25 per hour.

If adult services assessed they might say that she only needs 45 mins each morning and meals on wheels. The agency the council uses might be around £15 per hour.

Usually the council will use special "reablement" carers first that would have helped your nan find new ways of doing things that would have helped keep her independent. Maybe an OT assessment and a special chair in the bath would mean she didn't need carers for that task.

I think the money already paid out is likely list. But ask the local authority for an assessment under the care act and a financial assessment to find out nans 'client contribution' , that way you will find out what she's entitled too & the cost to her moving forward.

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