Ex partner making false accusations; children involved

This is all after the fact, though; they've been apart for several months now and the ex-partner is suggesting through a solicitor that there can't have mediation because of domestic abuse. It's all a way of restricting access to the kids and squeeze as much money out of him (they're already going through the CSA for that, thankfully). It's unpleasant, to say the least.

There was one brief incident not long after the break up when the police were called because she was screaming at him when he wanted to collect his belongings; the police spoke to the children (I believe the CID officer was involved with domestic violence cases) and I think the probing questions pretty much confirmed to them that he wasn't a concern, and when they spoke to him afterwards that was the gist of what they said to him. Showing exactly what she's like, she rang the police officer while he was at the station demanding when he was coming to pick up the kids to have them for the weekend, which I hope to God the CID officer logged in his report!

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