624 words Why did LE ignore this?! ...Bruising & deep scratches on RH's hands 376 words Think Kratz phone summaries are legit? Think again. 513 words /u/amberlea1879 Exhibit BZ Just hit the "real" mainstream media 398 words /u/amberlea1879 Exhibit BZ Just hit the "real" mainstream media 343 words The timing of the murder, and the role of chance 720 words The string which unravels the entire sweater.... 426 words Help To Understand Inadvertent DNA Transfer 337 words Found another Big issue with the Key. 344 words Latest Zellner Tweet..Easy part: planting evidence. Hard part: avoiding scientific detection 10+ yrs later.#MakingAMurderer #Sciencerules 311 words Listen to the Chuck Avery youtube audio Interview. Dirty weigert is doing the same thing he did to BD and Barb. Tried to get him to change his story. 565 words Contradiction re: burn barrels 324 words Before trial began Buting knew FBI would choose swabs likely to show low/no levels of EDTA. And that’s exactly what FBI did by only testing 3 of 6 swabs. 865 words Latest Zellner Tweet: "Framing SA twice results in real rapist & murderer never being charged. Who is being served & protected except MCSD? #MakingAMurderer" [21 Feb 2016, about 10:30am Eastern] 470 words CRIMINAL COMPLAINT(These people are some of the sickest perverted animals). 306 words Cremation...what if it's primary purpose isn't destruction of forensics? How does that change things? 327 words Those who think SA is guilty, what is the piece of evidence you consider most damning? 619 words Those who think SA is guilty, what is the piece of evidence you consider most damning? 748 words People who believe SA is 100% guilty, what are your thoughts of Zellner? 319 words "I want to go to the last place Teres was" 366 words Kratz Law Firm permanently closed