439 words It's far past time we started Civil Disobedience, What plans are already in place and how can we start taking to the streets? 435 words The DNC Joins Arms with America's Most Hated Company to Host National Convention 539 words Mods now banning people for criticizing David Brock and Benchmark Politics (proof in post) 289 words @BernieSanders | "I've got some bad news for Trump: If I am the Democratic nominee, I'm going to defeat him, and I will defeat him by very large margins." 745 words Declassified documents detail 9/11 commission's inquiry into Saudi Arabia | Declare War on Saudi Arabia! 1,470 words Declassified documents detail 9/11 commission's inquiry into Saudi Arabia | Declare War on Saudi Arabia! 377 words Let's Remember That It Took Rioting at the Democratic Convention in 68 to Change a Broken System 389 words Dem convention chair: Sanders supporters better 'behave themselves' when he loses 451 words Guam Results and Voting Information Mega Thread! 1,408 words Sanders did wonderfully on Morning Edition / NPR today 362 words Phil Ochs (1966) - "But don't talk about revolution, That's going a little bit too far. So love me, love me, love me, I'm a liberal" 360 words Brand New Congress 470 words ELI5: How would a $15 National Minimum Wage benefit the economy? 533 words Dear Democrats, stop telling me to fall in line and support HRC! 417 words New York Primary Results Mega Thread 700 words (CAVDEF X-Post) - Consolidate the Information - NY Voters, Report Here if Your Registration or Party Affiliation Changed Against Your Wishes 313 words How to respond to "Sanders' stuff won't work because there are too many lazy people" argument? 262 words WI county caucus question. 645 words Colorado caucusers shout down senator and super delegate with chants of "change your vote" 1,128 words Dan Merica on Twitter: "Pro-Sanders supporters march around the house hosting Clinton's SF fundraiser.