230 words It wasn't the Russians: Hillary lost because she blew off Sanders and his voters 181 words The New York Times Shamefully Smears Bernie Sanders in Its Latest Lurch Right | A new report inexplicably ties the Alexandria shootings to belligerent "Bernie Bros." 181 words The House voted to repeal Dodd-Frank Wall Street regulations today but you were probably watching something else 297 words I fought in the Iraq War as a woman, I got my math degree, I became a Bernie Delegate that led protests at the DNC, Now I'm running for Congress in Washington's 3rd CD. AMA! 327 words The Democrats delivered one thing in the past 100 days: disappointment | Cornell West 176 words Donald Trump owns stock in the Tomahawk missiles he used in Syria 247 words FOX NEWS POLL: Bernie Sanders remains the most popular politician in the US 232 words The Democratic party can't just be a party of "We are not Trump and Trump sucks". Tell us what you stand for! 205 words Democratic Establishment Ask For Unity But Offer Progressives Nothing In Return 197 words @SenSanders says he won't give his email list to the DNC, but will support candidates who will stand up to big-money interests #CNNSotu 301 words The Democratic Party has GOT to Address the Unfair 2016 Democratic Primary Season 281 words Candid Conversation:The Future Of The Progressive Movement 190 words Why doesn't Keith Ellison want us to contact DNC members directly and why isn't this sub going into activism mode and doing it anyway? 194 words Bernie on Twitter: "Is there not one more Republican senator who will stand with the American people against Betsy DeVos?" 236 words Thanks Hillary and the DNC! 204 words The Washington Post's fact checker gave Bernie Sanders Four Pinnochios for saying 36,000 could die by repealing the ACA. Today WaPo publishes article claiming 43,000 will die. 225 words FUCK BERNIE SANDERS! 205 words Should've been Bernie 185 words Re: Helping Bernie delegates get to DNC. We need a statement from Bernie about DNCLeaks 412 words Bernie Sanders on Twitter: Those who voted for me will not support Trump who has made bigotry and divisiveness the cornerstone of his campaign. #RNCwithBernie