154 words PSA: Don't donate to the Democratic Party 131 words Morning Consult: Biden 32 (-1), Sanders 23 (-2), Harris 9 (+1), O'Rourke 8, Warren 7, Buttigieg 5 (+2), 105 words Bernie Sanders Is the Only Candidate to Vote Against All 3 Trump Military Budgets 379 words Bernie Sanders Pledges To Do A Better Job Of Explaining Socialism 113 words Socialism is a scare word they've hurled at every advance the people have made. Socialism is what they called public power, social security, deposit insurance, and independent labor organizations. Socialism is their name for anything that helps all people. -Harry Truman, 1952 159 words Daily Kos Poll Data Analysis, Updates, Link, And How To Vote On Mobile: Bernie up 51/14 but his vote growth is slowing. Pass the message to anyone you know, we need as many unique humans to vote as possible. Don't cheat because it hurts everyone else 142 words Discussion: Why Bernie should pick Kamala Harris as his running mate over Nina Turner 110 words Bernie Sanders: "In the twenty-first century, a public education system that goes from early childhood education through high school is not good enough. We must make public colleges and universities tuition-free." 117 words A Green New Deal | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 127 words @BrianSchatz: If young people vote in numbers anywhere near the percentages of other generations they can get any policy they want. College affordability, climate, civil rights, healthcare, immigration whatever your generation decides. It’s your government if you just take it over. 252 words [Another hit-piece from Politico] Sanders 2020? Many Bernie backers aren’t feeling it. A large contingent of his 2016 campaign staffers is wary of a Sanders sequel. 284 words Bernie Sanders to Pompeo: Yemeni Lives Are Worth More Than Contractor Profits 107 words Ted Cruz calls anyone frustrated with net neutrality a snowflake. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez responds: "Snowflake? Aren’t you a sitting Senator? Also, Comcast paid you $36k to write this tweet. Campaign contributions are public record." 215 words Six Insurgent Candidates Just Out-Raised Their Establishment Democratic Opponents 124 words Bernie Sanders on Twitter: "Senate Republicans just passed their tax reform bill. What an utter disgrace." 225 words Inside Hillary Clinton’s Secret Takeover of the DNC 163 words Bernie: Russia’s attack on our democracy is of enormous consequence. Trump must not, in any way, try to derail or obstruct Mueller's investigation. 699 words Sanders brushes off Clinton criticism: 'Look forward and not backward' 249 words Hillary rips Bernie in her new book 175 words Trump Jr. Was Told in Email of Russian Effort to Aid Campaign