303 words You wake up tomorrow and you are the new Benevolent Dictator of Seattle. What do you do differently? What unpopular decisions do you make and why will they improve the city? 286 words You wake up tomorrow and you are the new Benevolent Dictator of Seattle. What do you do differently? What unpopular decisions do you make and why will they improve the city? 502 words Shell protestors are hypocrites because kayaks are made of plastic? 308 words Comcast announces rollout of 2 gigabit service in Seattle starting this summer 590 words Hearing about the lawmakers that want to take away pay and benefits from striking teachers made me mad. Lets start a movement to take pay and benefits from legislators who don't show up to vote during session. 871 words Spotted at the Wallingford Public Library - About 15 feet from the children's section 327 words A question for you lovely Seattleites from a curious Canadian. 307 words Why Urbanists Must Support Linkage Fees and Inclusionary Zoning: A Scalable Policy For Affordable Neighborhoods 412 words After yesterday's riots. 269 words Seattle police praised for cracking down on downtown crimes 321 words Gauging interest on a Seattle themed Cards Against Humanity expansion 898 words Washington Gov. Inslee Bans State-Funded Travel to Indiana 460 words Thoughts on West Seattle? 290 words Is Seattle a generally unfriendly city? 333 words /r/Seattle's new CSS 452 words Ivars goes tipless, raises everyone to $15/hour, gives all staff percentage of sales, raises prices. Is this a new ethical model? 445 words Would Seattle Be a Good Fit For Me? 499 words Would Seattle Be a Good Fit For Me? 391 words Washington lawmakers propose allowing pot growing at home 580 words Boeing is top winner of state, local tax breaks