313 words Today's marchforscience. looking from third and pine all the up past boren. 185 words Quality tech support in Seattle? 179 words Seattle mayor 'willing to risk losing every penny' over 'sanctuary' status 348 words Stand with Immigrants - Protest 5PM Sunday Night at Westlake Park 176 words Seattle rally signage. 171 words Best Chocolate chip cookies in Seattle/North Seattle? 197 words Free Rent ... hmm 306 words Is there a protest in Seattle about the elections results? 348 words [Mod] Hello, I'm Careless! Let's talk about the recent rule change. But first, I'm going to address the vile accusations made against me recently. 265 words Where do you get maternity long underwear? 155 words Seattle Human Rights Council Co-Chair melts down in comments Section of The Stranger 448 words Why does r/seattle seem to hate homeless people? 429 words Seeking advice on moving to Seattle, and living there without a car. Thank you. 262 words Crazy lady harasses man at city hall 248 words Tuition scam takes up to $1 million from UW students 225 words Are these CL apartment listings fake? If so, what does the OP hope to accomplish? 188 words STOLEN BIKE APB: Very Important Green/Black TREK Bike with White Handlebar Wraps, Black and Copper Brooks Saddle, SPD pedals, and plastic fender Stolen about 3 hours ago on Capitol Hill. 922 words Unknown number of FBI surveillance cameras positioned on utility poles throughout Seattle metro area. 764 words Unknown number of FBI surveillance cameras positioned on utility poles throughout Seattle metro area. 445 words Landlord hasn't returned my $800 deposit, and I moved out a month ago. What can I do?