378 words Safety advocates 'horrified' by UW Medical Center investigation results 383 words I'm about to enter the housing market battle - is it as crazy as it seems? 359 words Seattle's minimum wage law hasn't increased retail prices 417 words Seen in Georgetown...Cheer Up 363 words Please help spread the word. Highline teacher Darcy Smith acquitted of all charges one year after PI and Times made her look like a child rapist. 899 words That's a building! 690 words Seattle drivers seriously need to learn the "zipper merge" 376 words I don't begrudge anyone their success, and in fact I appreciate it, but how do other working-class Seattleites not get bummed out, being surrounded by all of this wealth and disruption, while just barely scraping by? 697 words There will be a public hearing on the proposed renewal of Comcast's franchise agreement, next Thursday, November 12th at 2:00 pm 325 words Queen Anne principal losing his job over unfinished teacher evaluations 313 words Curious what draws people to micro studios or apodments vs sharing a house with others? 315 words Bernie Sanders driven from stage at Social Security Rally by BLM protestors 291 words How gun-tax legislation would affect Seattle firearms stores 435 words How Amazon and Silicon Valley companies are ruining Seattle 782 words Dear Amazon interns, some advice from an old man who has been at Amazon way too long. 361 words The Weekly What's Happening This Weekend List: July 01 through Sunday 772 words Time for SPD officers to wear body cameras ‘is now,’ federal monitor says 332 words Moving to Seattle: Advice on clothing 400 words What it feels like living in Seattle for over 150 years 347 words Home ownership for 25-to-34 year olds in King County at lowest level since 1900