501 words Clinton campaign, DNC helped pay for work on dossier about Russia and Trump 226 words I'm Homeless. And I Vote. 273 words If you have the right-of-way and you take it, believe it or not you're actually not being an asshole by doing so. Not taking the right-of-way is actually the thing that makes you an asshole here. 196 words Ask Seattle Conservatives Questions - Let's talk instead of repeating talking points 265 words Today's Alt-Right rally is poised to be completely overwhelmed by counter-protesters. Spread the word and let White Nationalists know that their hateful ideas will never have a place in society. 160 words Adult ADHD Doctor recommendations 208 words Opinion: "Tax my income and fix my city. Please." 240 words No surprise here, Seattle Times endorses Jenny Durkan for mayor. 217 words Police investigate officer who shot Charleena Lyles after he left Taser in locker 186 words Meetups This Saturday 203 words Proposed beverage tax exempts 100% fruit juice but American Academy of Pediatrics says even 100% juice should be limited, not provided in sippy cups 845 words What's something you love about the Seattle area? 371 words Lawsuit alleges Seattle Mayor Ed Murray sexually abused troubled teen in 1980s 299 words Bike Noob Questions 179 words Anyone recognize their bike from SLU today? This gloved man was hurriedly loading them into his car... 177 words Seattle, King County set new record for overdose deaths 173 words The Governor has banned employees from helping Donald Trump's immigration crackdown 189 words Seattle Resident Confronts Home Invaders At 2 AM, Shots fired 218 words We are Mike Baker and Justin Mayo, Seattle Times reporters on the Quantity of Care investigation. AMA! 347 words Seattle Organic Restaurants are all in on anti-GMO pseudoscience