Ask Seattle Conservatives Questions - Let's talk instead of repeating talking points

Moralism is probably the incorrect term because it seems that the left is more into saying; this, not that, can't do this or else you're wrong etc than the right at this point.

I guess I mean more of traditional values, I'm fine with LGTQ doing whatever they want, don't get me wrong.

I agree with a lot of what Jordan Peterson has to say on the topic:

I am in no way trying to say that women should not or cannot achieve whatever the want to, it's just that pushing women away from the traditional values is harmful.

And vice versa for men, current culture is pushing women into roles they may not want, and men into roles they may not want.

Personally I feel this push a lot, I get plenty of messages on reddit (understanding it's a left leaning website) saying that I can't be a woman because I feel xyz, or I must have internalised misogyny because xyz, when I'm just displaying traditional female values.

This has obviously gotten personal for me, not trying to represent anything other than my feelings at this point.

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