We are Mike Baker and Justin Mayo, Seattle Times reporters on the Quantity of Care investigation. AMA!

Hey guys,

This isn't strictly a question, but something I've been thinking about a lot since the Cherry Hill article debuted.

The article was great reporting, and more than ever I want to support the Times. But to be honest there are no compelling ways to do that.

The subscription options are:

  • A warm fuzzy feeling for $16/month. That's more than I pay for Netflix.

  • The opportunity to save $2 by accepting receipt of three pounds of paper a week that I'll just have to recycle.

  • $35/month (as much as I pay for Internet) for ten pounds of recycling a week.

None of these are within the range of what I'd call a standard digital subscription fee, nor do they offer me much in return. The fact that they're tuned to drive people towards the print version is an example of just how anachronistic these options are. And to be honest, my biggest reservation is that I know at some point I'll want to unsubscribe, and I know it's not going to be as simple as logging into my account and turning it off.

  • Unless you're going to start producing Marvel spinoffs, consider offering a subscription that's cheaper than Netflix.

  • Offer subscribers something tangible, like early/exclusive content. Or comment moderation privileges.

  • Please stop trying to sell me paper?

/r/SeattleWA Thread