163 words What is “Europa: The Last Battle” I see a lot of wehraboos and neo-nazis saying it is the truth about Nazi Germany 181 words What’s up with tanks 158 words "Nazism has killed no more 8-10 million." 148 words opinion of the sub on Franz Stigler ? 149 words Clean Wehrmacht strikes again! Bringing to you classics such as: “and how about the soviets?” Or “Most were just conscripts” and the oldtimer of “allies were bad too!”. 262 words The Atomic bombings of Japan were the worst terrorist attacks ever, according to woke Instagrammer 140 words On the eastern front there was no good side, both were evil. 162 words "[The Nazis] got completely screwed over in the Treaty of Versailles from WWI. So excuse them for wanting some of their land back and people back. [...] they were justified." 179 words Wearing the enemies uniform to kill them is not a warcrime, it is a sneak attack. 275 words Meat shields vs. technological powerhouses, who will win? 250 words Et tu... Geraldo Rivera?! 242 words Player finds earth during WW2. Wehrmacht has a 20% damage boost. 315 words Shitty thread on /r/4chan about WW3 quickly turns into Wehraboo "Germany literally had the world by the balls" nonsense 193 words Don't worry guys Nazis weren't bad because they only killed untermensch 578 words North Africa and Pacific Campaigns aren't real. Did anyone ACTUALLY die? 252 words "When the Nazis invaded Russia the Soviet Union sent thousands of people in human waves where only every second soldier had a gun" 281 words "He had turned Germany around from the worst economic disaster since the fall of Rome." 211 words My boyfriend is a wehraboo, what should I do? 237 words SWS and Chill, Additional Mandatory Judeo-Bolshevik Propaganda 286 words The nazis were bad, but they sure did know how to make a tank.