Clean Wehrmacht strikes again! Bringing to you classics such as: “and how about the soviets?” Or “Most were just conscripts” and the oldtimer of “allies were bad too!”.

The main issue with “Clean Wehrmacht” is that the very people that were fighting the Germans were the ones promoting it.

And for totally understandable reasons.

It’s easy for us 70 years later to look back on it. But, when the war was over. These people had to go back home and start rebuilding Germany. And make something of themselves. And part of that is “being forgiven” by themselves, their relatives, their enemies... everyone.

The human mind needs some help doing that sometimes with lies, and mental gymnastics.

But, now that it’s past and the country is stable and history is starting to fade... we need to say “okay, you had your forgiveness... let’s not turn it into forgetfulness”. The propaganda needs to be washed away. And we need to see everything for what it was.

Now, is the time to acknowledge and dispute the false narrative.

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