482 words Manatees to officially be upgraded from "endangered" to "threatened". 362 words Homeless man offered job after being kicked off property 638 words Father draws gun in a hospital to prevent 'Brain Dead' son from being taken off life support. Son makes full recovery. 308 words Father draws gun in a hospital to prevent 'Brain Dead' son from being taken off life support. Son makes full recovery. 316 words Father draws gun in a hospital to prevent 'Brain Dead' son from being taken off life support. Son makes full recovery. 396 words Billionaire hedge fund founder paying 800 New York teachers an extra $15,000 due to poor teacher salaries 289 words Cecil the Lion's family of 7 cubs alive and well =^.^= 1,263 words Jewish man rescued from Nazis is rescuing Christians fleeing Isis to repay 'debt' 297 words Jewish man rescued from Nazis is rescuing Christians fleeing Isis to repay 'debt' 385 words Female Genital Mutilation Banned In Nigeria 621 words Captain rescues starving boat people against direct orders gets fired and is jobless. Finally recognized years later. 307 words Boy Scouts president says ban on gay leaders needs to end 269 words U of I is letting you take all its MBA courses online—for free 267 words Arkansas police stand in for father at son's graduation. 433 words Cops Decide Heroin Addicts Will Be Helped With Rehab, Not Arrested - Gloucester, MA 337 words Roger Wright weighed 315 lbs and couldn't walk to the end of the street without getting tired. Roger then lost 120 lbs, ran a marathon and then 33 more, all to raise money for his ill niece. 225 words USAF E7 351 words 300 people attend girl's 10-yr birthday after her friends decline. Mother's friends spread the word. In attendance: A pro football player, Elsa (Frozen), fire dept, and food donated by 2 establishments. Mackenzie struggled with a tumor and a tough diagnosis. Mayor declared the day in her honor. 551 words Nigerian immigrant accepted by all 8 Ivy League schools 329 words Nigerian immigrant accepted by all 8 Ivy League schools