Jewish man rescued from Nazis is rescuing Christians fleeing Isis to repay 'debt'

This is an average comment on r/worldpolitics, this one was in regards to an article about the recent greek bailout talks.

"I see the Zionist-front New York Times and its Jewish writers are trying to scapegoat Germany for the crisis created by the Jewish-banker/Goldman Sachs swindlers and the corrupt Greek politicians who got into bed with them to sell out their own nation and get rich quick.

This is standard Jewish swindler playbook, whether they're provoking Germans or Palestinians or the "angry white males" of the American middle class -- cause major upheaval and turmoil and conflict through their treachery, double-dealing and criminal financial shenanigans and shell games and Ponzi schemes, stick some hard-working middle class or working class suckers with the bailout bills and demand they mortgage the future of their entire nations to pay off the costs of the Zionist-perpetrated fraud and financial crimes (or in the case of the Palestinians, blame them for "terror" after subjecting them to decades of racism and ethnic cleansing), and then act hurt, shocked, amazed and dumbfounded as to why the people who got burned by the Jewish criminals and their scumbag accomplices are so "angry."

The question isn't why people are so "angry" at Zionist criminals and their accomplices, the question is why is the Jewish nation comprised of such insatiably greedy swindlers and misanthropes who want to endlessly plot to stick it to as many Gentiles as possible for centuries on end?

And the answer is the racist and messianic and entitled-swindler "Chosen" doctrine into which the Jewish nation brainwashes its young makes them into the nation of murderous swindlers and criminals they are and have always been ever since Abraham first dreamed up his golem Yahweh-sanctioned land-theft scam to swindle and dispossess the Canaanites."

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