58 words The Inside Scoop on the DNC Fraud Lawsuit (w/ Niko House) 434 words A Good Old Fashioned Sunday Morning Open Thread 172 words Trump Has Surrendered. Will Putin Be The Next To Surrender? 339 words Hoist on Their Own Petard 267 words Pruitt Emails Reveal Communications with ALEC and Koch Groups - EXPOSEDbyCMD 280 words Wikileaks: Vault 7 Release Tuesday, 7 March 2017 at 9AM ET 289 words Glenn Greenwald destroys bullshit hysteria over Russia: "The role Putin serves, above all else, is to... relieve the Democratic Party of the need to examine its own fundamental flaws and errors" 382 words Exploiting Banned People and Exposing Hypocrisy Concerning Global War on Terror 639 words KING: Senate GOP hiring far more black staffers than Democrats 446 words Assange Is Vastly More Reliable Than The Elite U.S. Media 198 words Please not again: Hillary Clinton Urged to Run for New York Mayor - "She's talking about it," a former city Democratic elected official admitted over the weekend, saying the idea has not been dismissed by the former first lady's inner circle 185 words Seems like the alt-right is just an excuse for the DNC establishment to hold onto power.. 225 words The Anonymous Blacklist Promoted by the Washington Post Has Apparent Ties to Ukrainian Fascism and CIA Spying 171 words Jason Linkins on Twitter: "sweet zombie Jesus there's to be a TAXPAYER FUNDED BAILOUT of the FUCKING INSURANCE INDUSTRY" 214 words Hillary Strategist Blames Election Loss On 'Bernie Bros' 276 words Family of slain Fort Hood soldier booed by passengers in First Class on flight as they traveled to get his remains 326 words Soros bands with donors to resist Trump, 'take back power' (Pelosi, Warren, Ellison, union bosses also attending) 267 words Soros bands with donors to resist Trump, 'take back power' (Pelosi, Warren, Ellison, union bosses also attending) 334 words DANCE PARTY! Be Our Own Heroes! 272 words The Old Democrat Wall Street Plus Identity Politics Playbook is Dead