Assange Is Vastly More Reliable Than The Elite U.S. Media

Why don't you guys just join us?

Many of Trump's positions are authoritarian. I value liberty too much, more so than most people, to the point that I'm a libertarian. Yes, Trump is more libertarian than some other Republicans, but he's still too authoritarian for me. I also find human rights violations to be abhorrent, and Trump has said that he wants our soldiers to commit war crimes (i.e., torture). Nope. I cannot abide unconstitutional war crimes.

In addition, Trump is a shyster and a scammer. And he's been at it in the public eye for decades. I don't appreciate people who would be involved in scam for-profit "schools" that only exist to rip off their "students". If that is how Trump does business, I don't want him running the executive branch of the government. I think I had about 15% for Trump on, and even if I agreed with all of his policy platforms, I wouldn't want him working in government just because I know that he has a history of ripping people off. He also seems to intentionally make himself look like an idiot for publicity, and I think that's really annoying. Above all else, deception is a big turn-off for me.

Also, he's already turned back on some of the good things he's campaigned on. He said he wanted to drain the swamp, but then he goes up to the revolving door and just picks a bunch of the same types of assholes anyway to refill the swamp. I didn't like Clinton being SoS because she was using her position to do the bidding of the fracking industry. With Rex Tillerson as SoS, he'll be using his position to push the oil industry's agenda. That's not any better! I don't like that, we need to move away from fossil fuels and toward renewable energies that are already cost effective like solar and wind.

He also said that he's not going to go after Clinton now. Fuck that shit. She's guilty of some serious fucking shit, but Trump doesn't want to prosecute his old family friend. This is the same fucking bullshit Obama pulled, coming into office and immediately saying he wouldn't go after the Bush administration for their war crimes. I can't get behind an asshole who refuses to seek justice against criminals of that caliber.

I do like some of the things he's said. Praising universal healthcare while lambasting the ACA, stopping our illegal wars in the middle east, easing tensions with Russia, ending the TPP... but he's got too many deal-breakers. I'll praise him in those cases when he does good, but he's just not a good person.

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