Seems like the alt-right is just an excuse for the DNC establishment to hold onto power..

Alt-right is basically just the right-wing without a Wall-Street-coddling corporate media entity acting as a filter for it. Sure, there are racists and misogynists among them, but it's false to say that such things are an inherent part of the alt-right.

Of course, it is just the Wall-Street-coddling CTRL-media responding to having their reputations hammered through exposure of their activity so much this last year because THEY tried to game the outcomes of both primaries and it backfired and evidence shows that some of that is thanks to a culture of collusion between the DNC and various MSM entities.

They're desperately trying to discredit both alt-right and alt-left sources of information because their monopoly on dictating narratives and controlling public discourse on current affairs has diminished considerably.

Lots of fucking noise from DNC & MSM right now - is all just an act to distract from what was actually exposed. Ultimately, the MSM, in cahoots with HRC insiders in the DNC, blatantly deceived their audiences in an effort to have Clinton elected, they fucked up big time... and they don't want people talking about it.

/r/WayOfTheBern Thread