540 words No, Straight People Can’t Be Queer 1,041 words Venting? Concerns about relationships and love 364 words Some questions/thoughts about TERFs - trying to make this as non-inflammatory as possible 331 words What's it like coming out to a loving, accepting, progressive family? 375 words What's it like coming out to a loving, accepting, progressive family? 312 words I (a guy) am sincerely desperate for help as longtime dear lesbian friend is sending mixed signals that are confusing me. 342 words [Update] Still can't figure out if this is the best or worst decision of my life. Most pain I've ever experienced that wasn't the death of a family member. Please help. 717 words [Update] Still can't figure out if this is the best or worst decision of my life. Most pain I've ever experienced that wasn't the death of a family member. Please help. 525 words I have a crush! But... she's around thirty years older, and probably not gay. What do I do? 341 words Internalized biphobia and feeling like a fraud 361 words Weekly Dating/Friendship Thread 12/20/2015 349 words My girlfriend admitted she has feelings for someone else but is supposedly staying with me. I'm still worried. Has anyone ever been in a similar situation before? 387 words Girls that are bi: What do you like about each gender? 318 words can we talk about strap-ons? 649 words Long Distance Relationship advice? 741 words My gf just jealous raged me, and now expects an apology. Help! 374 words Is anyone friends with their ex? 336 words "1 in 2 young people say they are not 100% heterosexual" | I hope that in few generations people won't find labels such a necessity 320 words Have you ever had an intimate encounter with a straight woman? 379 words The lesbian community I'm apart of is falling apart, and it's driving me to despair